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Attention: Nitro Circus venues include a safety hold consisting of seats nearest the show floor being held off sale. This area must remain clear of spectators at all times during the performance. Ear Protection for spectators is recommended. This show may feature pyrotechnics, loud noises, flashing lights, loud music. Spectators may encounter Gasoline fumes. It is the tour?s policy that children under 2 years do not require a ticket to sit on a parents lap, but all other customers do. Please advise if your policy differs or requires everyone to have a ticket regardless of age.
1264 - module_22382 EventDescriptionModule moduleLarge
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Tickets & Show Times
Track Pass
The Nitro Circus Track Pass gives you an unforgettable experience that takes you beyond the ordinary. Limited to only 500 fans, this exclusive pass includes: Early Entry, Floor Access, and an athlete autograph session.
1264 - module_22384 EventItemModule moduleLarge